Friday 25 April 2008

I Am Just Your Ordinary Average Everyday Sane Psycho

Erm, I just signed for a package and when the courier handed over his clipboard, he had to move a photograph of a rabbit so I could sign. So I'm signing and he tells me that it's a picture of his bunny. And it's her birthday today. Now, I'll fully admit that I have a picture of Stella at my desk. I don't carry it around with me though; it's taped to the wall. It was one of those moments where you know that if you allow yourself to laugh you'll end up dismembered. Awkward.


  1. I had a similar experience in the Nike store in Las Vegas. I am lucky to be alive, Hillary.

  2. Ya that can't be ummm.... normal can it ...? Does he stroke it and pet it and love his little bunny rabbit?

  3. Um yeah, that's a little odd.
    Okay, very odd!

  4. haha I hope you gave him my number b/c he sounds like a WINNER.

  5. And I was just lamenting how I have a picture of my dogs on my iPod and not my blackberry! Errr, ummm, maybe that makes me strange. But I do love my dogs a lot!

  6. I totally have the heebie jeebies!

  7. totally awkward, and completely funny.

  8. I just trumped Thomas' comment, so I feel quite awesome.

    Let's hope that courier isn't involved in any part of the wedding-invite mailing. Or you may receive an unexpected wedding gift in the mail a la Glenn Close.
